Dig In! invites everyone to honor and celebrate another extraordinary season of sharing food and caring for one another at the annual Empty Bowls event Friday, October 8 from 4 – 7pm at the Burnsville Town Square.
To keep all of our community members safe, Dig In will not host the traditional in-person seated meal. Instead, DIY Empty Bowls kits will be for sale for those wishing to host a meal at home. Volunteers will also host a community bake sale on the Square with delicious homemade breads and desserts to accompany the at-home meals. Both fundraisers support Dig In’s programs that grow and share food for everyone. The free outdoor event will feature community art projects that lift up the ways our community cares for each other during these times.
DIY Empty Bowls kits can be purchased on site at the Town Square event on October 8th or reserved in advance online via diginplantseed.com. Each kit includes: conversation cards about food security and the ways we care for one other and the Earth; a soup recipe for inspiration; and the chance to pick out a beautiful handcrafted bowl at the Town Square event on 10/8, made with care by one of our region’s talented potters, which serves as a lasting reminder of the ways we can support our food system and deepen our connection to community.
Community members are encouraged to share their stories of community care online by visiting this form or coming to the event on October 8th.
For more information about the 2021 Empty Bowls event visit diginplantseed.com.