Dearest Dig In! Community, 

Season to Season:
The autumnal equinox last week marks the beginning of fall. We initiated our response to the COVID-19 pandemic on the spring equinox by cancelling a fundraiser on March 19 and expanding our gardens and food sharing programs days later. Throughout these seasons, we put systems in place that keep everyone safe while working together. And together we have grown and shared the best food our community can provide when times are tough. The community care in these acts is heartwarming and transformative. We show that we create community food security when we give in a spirit of abundance, even during a crisis. 

Gratitude for Kathryn:
Our work of growing food has been led by the talented and dedicated Kathryn Skelley-Watts. Kathryn is a multi-talented farmer: she cares for the health of soil and the wellbeing of her crew and grows abundant peppers and delicious beans without a drop of harmful chemicals. There’s no tractor implement or fencing challenge she won’t take on. Dig In’s response to this crisis is made possible because Kathryn commits her body and heart to this work during a very difficult time to do public service. Yancey County is fortunate to have Kathryn as our Community Farmer. 

Join us in October:
We will continue to harvest and share food through October and hope you’ll us in this work. Please sign-up to volunteer in the garden and to pack food to share. Signing up helps us be prepared to host volunteers so we make the most of your generous effort. Can’t be in the garden? There are lots of ways to help: write cards for our harvest boxes, serve on our board, help us fundraise, donate land, and …! Be in touch if you have a way to help. 

Thanks for taking care of one another, 

Community Farmer and tool magician extraordinaire, Kathryn Skelley-Watts
Kathryn making spring preparations that carry through to all seasons
DIY Empty Bowls Meal shared by board member, Sylvia Archer and her family.
Board member and farmer, Jamie McCabe shares a DIY Empty Bowls Meal with his family